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When is PE this year?

We recommend that children leave their kit in school (unless it is it home for a wash - always recommended regularly!).  PE Kit uniform list can be found here.  To help you with planning ahead, here is the timetable for PE in the new school year:


Class PE (Class Teacher) PE (Sports Coach)
6 (Miss Saxelby) Friday Tuesday
5 (Mr Potter) Monday Tuesday
4 (Miss Bentley) Tuesday (Swimming) Wednesday
3 (Mrs Clarke / Mrs Crossland) Friday Wednesday
2 (Mrs Marvin / Mrs Goodwin) Wednesday Thursday
1 (Mrs Tansley) Monday Thursday
F2 (Mrs Bradley) Tuesday & Friday -


After school and lunch time Sports Clubs also require PE Kit - you can check with the Office staff at any time if you aren't sure about a club date. 
