Muskham Primary’s Curriculum Intent
- At Muskham Primary we provide a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum which has the National Curriculum 2014 at its core. It focuses on giving all children the knowledge and cultural capital that they need to succeed.
- The Intent, Implementation and Impact of each individual subject has been carefully documented by each subject’s leader; these have been developed collaboratively with all teaching staff.
- We aim for children to have a deep understanding of the knowledge they acquire through a bespoke, well- structured, progressive curriculum, informed by educational research. Through careful sequencing, and utilising retrieval practice, a focus is placed on committing learning to long term memory so that children know and remember more.
- Cross-curricular links are made wherever possible, as evident in the half-termly topic webs published on the school’s website; this allows children to make meaningful connections, transferring and applying their knowledge and skills with increasing fluency and independence.
- Language development is at the heart of our curriculum, and the vocabulary to be taught within each subject area and wider curriculum has been carefully planned. Our philosophy is: The more words you know, the greater access to knowledge; the more you know, the greater capacity you have to learn.
- We are devoted to providing high-quality learning opportunities which engage and excite our children. Providing a context for learning and offering first hand experiences is paramount.
- The needs of all our children (including those with SEND) are carefully planned for and met through adaptive teaching, utilising a range of quality first teaching strategies; we always strive to ensure that specific areas of need are not a barrier to curriculum access and progress.
- For any child not making good progress, interventions, informed by educational research, are put into place.
- High quality relationships between all our stakeholders lie at the heart of our curriculum. We prioritise getting to know our children, adapting our teaching to suit each child. Spending time on developing these relationships ensures high standards of behaviour for learning across the school.
- We actively teach children to reason and be creative, with the aim that all children become progressively more proficient at articulating their thoughts and ideas.
- The ‘Enablers’ permeate the whole curriculum and were developed by the staff and children in response to the specific needs of our children. OFSTED 2019 stated: The ‘Enablers’ approach, where pupils are encouraged to empathise, question, persevere, and be optimistic, creative and independent, underpins the school’s meaningful and connected curriculum.
- Our curriculum tagline is: ‘A village school with a world view’ as we actively engage with current events around the world, and prepare our children to become active global citizens.
- Our wider curriculum reinforces British Values; it aspires to ensure that our children have a sense of belonging, with equality of opportunity being at the centre of Muskham Primary’s provision.