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Special Needs & Disabilities

The Inclusion of pupils with SEND

Muskham School is a fully inclusive school which welcomes all pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities.


The Head teacher and the Governing Body oversee and ensure inclusion through the school’s policies for curriculum, marking, teaching and learning, positive behaviour, child protection and equality. They are responsible for ensuring that these are implemented effectively throughout the school. 


The school will seek advice, as appropriate, around individual pupils, from external support services through the termly local ‘Springboard meetings’, Early Help Unit, the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub and the Bassetlaw Primary Behaviour Partnership.


For more details, please refer to the Muskham Primary School SEND policy, Local Offer and other links below.


Mrs Rachael Ward

Lead Professional for Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Admission Arrangements

In accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010, the Governing Body ensures that the admissions criteria should not discriminate against any pupils with SEND. Pupils with SEND must be treated as fairly as all other applicants for admission. This includes children with any level of SEND; those with Education, Health and Care Plans and those without. The Admissions Policy is available on the school website.


Our SEND policy reinforces the need for teaching that is fully inclusive, which recognises the entitlement of all pupils to a balanced, broadly based curriculum. The Governing Body will ensure that appropriate provision will be made for all pupils with SEND.  Pupils with SEND are known to the Family of schools through regular SENDCo meetings and transition arrangements put in place on an individual needs basis.


Access to the Curriculum, Information and Associated Services

Pupils with SEND will be given access to the curriculum through the specialist SEND provision provided by the school, utilising reasonable adjustments, in line with the wishes of the individual and their parents. Every effort will be made to educate pupils with SEND alongside their peers in a mainstream classroom setting. Where this is not possible, the SENDCo will consult with the child’s parents for other flexible arrangements to be made.


The monitoring and evaluation cycle used by the SENDCo and Senior Leadership Team includes:

  • keeping staff fully informed of the special educational needs of any pupils in their charge including sharing progress reports, medical reports and teacher feedback;

  • providing regular training and learning opportunities for staff in all departments on the subject of SEND and SEND teaching. School staff should be up to date with teaching methods which will aid the progress of all pupils including those with SEND;

  • making use of all classroom facilities and space;

  • using in-class provision and support effectively to ensure that the curriculum is differentiated where necessary;

  • making sure that individual or group tuition is available where it is felt that pupils would benefit from this provision;

  • setting appropriate , individual targets that motivate pupils to do their best and celebrating achievements at all levels.

Extra-Curricular Activities

We do not exclude any pupils from extra-curricular activities. As a school, we offer additional and specific after school clubs for pupils with additional needs, low self-confidence or particular social or emotional issues. At present, we offer Boccia and a Sensory Club. Further information on these can be found using the links below.

Further Information

Below you can find internal and external links with information about different special educational needs.

Email Mrs Ward

Mrs Ward can help with any questions or concerns you have regarding a Special Needs diagnosis, intervention programmes and provision both in school and out.
