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From Mary Woolhouse to Muskham Primary School


Mary Woolhouse lived in North Muskham and died in 1727.  In her will, she left her land to pay for the education of children in North Muskham and Bathley.  In 1745, her daughter, Mary Disney, converted the will into a trust, to be administered by Trustees.  From that time, various premises built on the land left by Mary Woolhouse were used as school rooms until 1880 when a Board School was built there.  This building served as the village school until our present school building was opened in the summer of 1965. 


The old building, renamed "Woolhouse Hall" in memory of the foundress of the Charity, was sold and the money invested.  The income from this investment is used, by the Trustees, to support the education of children and young people from the parishes of North Muskham and Bathley. 


The Mary Woolhouse Trust continues to benefit Muskham Primary School, including supporting the building of our school library, which opened on November 13th 1998 in memory of Gwyn, Bob and Betty.  This was achieved with thanks also to Nottinghamshire County Council, The Muskham Friends Association, Graham Morris Ltd (Vantage Chemists), Cargill PLC, Waitrose Supermarkets, Belvoir Interiors, Muskham W.I. and all of the school's children, staff and parents. 


In the summer of 2014, the original open plan infant department was partitioned into a Foundation Classroom and separate teaching space for Year 1.  In the summer of 2015, the school received new ceilings and modern lighting as part of investment from Nottinghamshire County Council.  At the same time, the Library was re-vamped including relocation of the Head Teacher's Office, whilst the School Office was remodelled and refurbished.  In the winter of 2015, the last of the original window bays were replaced with modern, efficient units - just in time to celebrate the end of the school building's 50th year in July 2016. 


Do you have any photos of the school in years gone by? We'd love to receive it at our school office - either in person so we can scan a copy on your behalf, or by email at if you are able to email it. 


Do you have a story or piece of information about your own time at Muskham School which shouldn't be forgotten?  If so, please get in touch using the form below; we'd love to publish your memories here. 

Add your memories to our collection

Submit your anecdotes, memories and reflections to our trove of local history here. Remember to include your name and the years you were here.
