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Home-School Agreements

Home - School Agreement


  1. The School’s Commitments

    As a dedicated group of professionals, the school staff will:

    • Provide your child with a high standard of education within a broad and balanced curriculum.

    • Ensure that the learning environment is stimulating and challenging.

    • Ensure that the physical environment in and around the school is always safe, secure, and hygienic for your child.

    • Celebrate your child’s academic and personal achievements.

    • Enable your child to achieve their full potential.

    • Care for your child’s safety and well-being through observation and by listening to them..

    • Teach your child about the Protective Characteristics and British Values in order to develop a postive attitude to others, regardless of any differences. 

    • Encourage your child to become an active member within our community and help them to see that they can have an impact on the world around them.

    • Provide a fair, consistent and positive approach to behaviour management including recognising and rewarding consistent good behaviour within the classroom and the wider school.

    • Regularly meet with you to communicate the progress of your child, celebrating their strengths and explain how we and you can support them in their areas for development.

    • Provide information to you about our school including relevant policies, meetings, workshops, activities, newsletters and open days.

    • Welcome you as a partner in your child’s education and as a valued member of the wider community of North Muskham and beyond.

    • Always be accountable and challenging ourselves to move forward as a staff team, governing body and whole school community.

    • Provide what support we can to parents/carers if they or we consider that they are having difficulties in maintaining their side of this partnership agreement.

  2. Parent / Carer Commitments

    As partners in creating successful learning, parents and carers will:

  • Make sure that their child arrives ready for school between 8.45am and 8.55am.
  • Make sure that their child is wearing named school uniform in line with the Uniform Policy, and that their PE kit is in school at the beginning of each week.

  • Help their child to learn at home, including supporting their child in completing homework.

  • Support the decisions of the school, acknowledging the power of their words in shaping their child’s attitude to their school.

  • Let the teacher know of any concerns or worries that may be affecting their child’s learning, behaviour or ability to do homework

  • Support their child to develop a positive attitude towards being a self-motivated learner within the UK’s diverse, multi-cultural community.

  • Attend meetings with their child’s teacher and other staff, aiming to be positive and productive, working towards a shared goal of moving their child on in their learning.

  • Support and work with the school to ensure that their child is successful within the school’s high expectations for good behaviour.

  • Encourage a positive attitude towards their child’s education and our school.

  • Protect the reputation of the school by ensuring that any postings or comments on social media sites are positive.

  • Treat all members of staff and extended school community with respect

  • Be proactive in coming forward and discussing concerns with the school.

  • Read all information sent home as this gives the important details of relevant policies, meetings, workshops, activities, newsletters and open days.


3.  Pupils’ Commitment

     As a valued learner, Muskham Primary School pupils will:

  • Understand their rights, including:

    • To be treated kindly.

    • To be listened to.

    • To be helped.

    • To have friends.

    • To play and join in games.

    • To be happy.

    • To feel wanted.

    • To be safe.

    • To be special.

  • Show respect to others by:

    • Being polite.
    • Being kind.
    • Being helpful.
    • Celebrate the diversity that exists in modern day Britain.
    • Following instructions given by any adult in school.
  • Be responsible by:
    • Trying my best in all that I do.
    • Behaving in a safe way.
    • Accepting responsibility for the things that I do.
    • Being responsible for my school and homework.
    • Asking for help if I need it.
    • Taking good care of the building, equipment and school grounds.
    • Telling a member of staff if I am worried or unhappy.

Safe and Responsible Use of Technologies Agreement


Our school recognises the huge importance of technologies in the lives of staff, children and families.  The following agreement sets out our expectations for the benefit of our whole community. 

