Who are we?
MEG are a group of parent helpers who, alongside staff, assist school with the organising and running of events to raise funds for the school.
What do we do?
Over the school year, we plan to co-ordinate the following events:
School Discos
Chocolate Bingo
Mother’s Day Hamper Draw
Father’s Day Bucket Draw
Christmas Fayre
Summer Fayre
Refreshments & Raffle for school events including sports day and class performances.
What is Fundraising spent on?
Vital funds support the school and benefit the children by providing additional resources and enrichment opportunities.
This year so far, the school has spent the money on the following:
Library Books
Christmas parties
Laptops and ICT equipment
Music system
How do I get involved?
All parents/carers of children at the school are very welcome to join in and are vital for the running of events. MEG meet once a term, usually on a Monday afternoon at 3:40pm . This is idea generating time so we would love to see some new faces with new fundraising ideas.
We also allocate tasks from this meeting so even if you can’t come to the meeting but would be keen to help with any events do please let us know so we can include you on circulation emails asking for helpers for specific activities.
We have lots of parents who help out at some, all or just one of the events but we always welcome more helpers.
All parents at the school generously give donations of cakes, raffle prizes etc. that help us to put on these events. Without these donations and their ongoing support by attending the events, spending money, buying tickets etc. we would not be able to successfully raise these funds. Thank you to all who help, it is much appreciated.
If you want to know more, please contact one of the following:-
Look out for newsletters and texts from school that will advise of meetings dates and times coming up over the school year.
Check the calendar dates for details of upcoming events!