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Class 5

Welcome to Class 5!

Welcome back, Class 5!  I hope that you had a super half-term holiday.  


This half term, we are going to learn about our 'Invaders and Settlers'; you can find more information on the topic web below.  Also, this half term, we will be learning about animals, including humans, as part of our Science topic.


PE will be on Tuesdays with Mrs Ellison/Mr Robinson and on Thursdays with Mrs Ward/Mrs Palmer. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on these days. It would be useful to have clothing suitable for PE outdoors, i.e. joggers and jumpers. Please also make sure that your school uniform is fully labelled


Each dinner time, Class 5 will be able to use the MUGA and during break times on their allotted day. Children will need to bring a separate pair of trainers to school to change into if they wish to use the MUGA. Children will be unable to use the MUGA on their allocated day if they do not have a separate pair of trainers to change into. 


Reading diaries and books must be in school every day.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mrs Palmer smiley

Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed Safety Awareness Day at Scones and Devon Park. They learnt about fire safety in the home; water safety; CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation);the importance of wearing seatbelts and how to be responsible citizens in the local community.

We have enjoyed using iMovie on the new iPads to share our observations of the butterfly life cycle.

Year 5 and Mrs Goodwin have designed and painted a surf board for a 'Motion of the Ocean' display in Newark Town Hall. After studying the Japanese artist, Hokusia, they created their own group piece.

On the 5th February, Year 5 enjoyed their trip to the National Civil War Centre. First, they learnt about the different types of armour and weapons soldiers would have used during battles. Then, they looked at historic buildings around Newark town centre and considered what it would have been like during the third siege, in role as different residents.

On Thursday 9th of November, we enjoyed our school 'French Day'. During the day, we learnt about The French Revolution, numbers to 100 and used atlases and online maps to learn more about famous landmarks in Paris. At the end of the day, we shared what we had learnt with the rest of the school.

Email Mrs Palmer

Questions or comments? Not sure about a homework task? Got a worry?

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let us know!


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some great websites. You can vote for your favourites.
