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Class 4

Welcome to Class 4!

Welcome back, Class 4! We hope that you all had an excellent half term holiday!


During this half term, our topic is 'Our Wonderful World'. Please find further information on our topic web below.


PE will be on Tuesdays with Mrs Ellison/Mr Robinson and on Thursdays with Mrs Ward/Mrs Palmer. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on these days. It would be useful to have clothing suitable for PE outdoors, i.e. joggers and jumpers. Please also make sure that your school uniform is fully labelled


Each Wednesday and every lunchtime, Class 4 will be able to use the MUGA. Children will need to bring a separate pair of trainers to school to change into if they wish to use the MUGA. Children also need a separate pair of trainers if they wish to use the field.


Reading diaries must be in school every day.

Our library day is Wednesday. Please bring any returns in on this day.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mrs Ellison and Mrs Ward smiley

Welcome back, Class 4! We hope that you all had an excellent Easter holiday!


During this half term, our topic is 'Europe'. Please find further information on our topic web below.


PE will be Tennis on Tuesdays with Mrs Ellison/Mr Robinson and Orienteering on Thursdays with Mrs Ward/Mrs Palmer. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on these days. It would be useful to have clothing suitable for PE outdoors, i.e. joggers and jumpers. Please also make sure that your school uniform is fully labelled


Each Wednesday and every lunchtime, Class 4 will be able to use the MUGA. Children will need to bring a separate pair of trainers to school to change into if they wish to use the MUGA. Children also need a separate pair of trainers if they wish to use the field.


Reading diaries must be in school every day.

Our library day is Wednesday. Please bring any returns in on this day.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mrs Ellison and Mrs Ward smiley

Welcome back, Class 4! We hope that you all had an excellent half term holiday!


During this half term, our topic is 'Ancient Greece'. Please find further information on our topic web below.


PE will be Tag Rugby on Mondays with Mrs Ellison and Athletics on Fridays with Mrs Ward. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on these days. It would be useful to have clothing suitable for PE outdoors, i.e. joggers and jumpers. Please also make sure that your school uniform is fully labelled


Each Wednesday and every lunchtime, Class 4 will be able to use the MUGA. Children will need to bring a separate pair of trainers to school to change into if they wish to use the MUGA. Children also need a separate pair of trainers if they wish to use the field.


Reading diaries must be in school every day.

Our library day is Wednesday. Please bring any returns in on this day.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mrs Ellison and Mrs Ward smiley

Visit to Magna Science Museum

Class 4 went to Magna Science Museum in Sheffield. We took part in a workshop related to our Science topic - Sound, which involved learning about pitch and soundwaves, as well as making our own instruments. There was then time to explore the other areas around Magna - fire, water, Earth and air. All the children thoroughly enjoyed their hands on learning experience, and discovered lots of new things!

Welcome back, Class 4! We hope that you all had an enjoyable Christmas and a Happy New Year!


During this half term, our topic is 'Ancient Greece'. Please find further information on our topic web below.


PE will be Dance on Mondays with Mrs Ellison and Swimming or Hockey on Fridays with Mrs Ward or Mrs Palmer (please see your emails for which of these groups your child is in). Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit and swimming kit in school on these days. It would be useful to have clothing suitable for PE outdoors, i.e. joggers and jumpers as we head into winter. Please also make sure that your school uniform is fully labelled


Each Wednesday and every lunchtime, Class 4 will be able to use the MUGA. Children will need to bring a separate pair of trainers to school to change into if they wish to use the MUGA. Children also need a separate pair of trainers if they wish to use the field.


Reading diaries must be in school every day.

Our library day is Wednesday. Please bring any returns in on this day.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mrs Ellison and Mrs Ward smiley

Welcome to Class 4! We hope that you all had an enjoyable half term; we are really looking forward to this half term and the run up to Christmas! 


During this half term, our topic is 'Cathedrals'. Please find further information on our topic web below.


PE will be on Mondays with Mrs Ellison and Swimming on Fridays with Mrs Ward. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit and swimming kit in school on these days. It would be useful to have clothing suitable for PE outdoors, i.e. joggers and jumpers as we head into winter. Please also make sure that your school uniform is fully labelled


Each Wednesday, Class 4 will be able to use the MUGA at playtimes. Children will need to bring a separate pair of trainers to school to change into if they wish to use the MUGA. Children also need a separate pair of trainers if they wish to use the field.


Reading diaries must be in school every day.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Mrs Ellison and Mrs Ward smiley

Romans Day visit to Bassetlaw Museum

Class 4 had a wonderful visit to Bassetlaw Museum for a Romans Day. We started the day with an archaeological dig to find some Roman artefacts, looked at (and dressed up in) Roman military wear, made traditional Roman pots using clay, and finished our day with a Roman wedding! What a brilliant day!

Roman Helmets

This half term, Class 4 have been learning about The Romans. In Art, we studied Roman gladiators and designed and made our own Roman helmets. We used images of helmets to help inform our own designs. To create the shape and structure of our helmet, we used paper mâché. We then selected paints and various other materials for our final decorations, thinking carefully about how our final product would fit the design brief. We think they look brilliant!

Severn Trent Water Visit

KS2 had a visit from Severn Trent Water. In our assembly, we learnt all about the work Severn Trent Water do - how they take all our sewage and make it drinkable again! We saw the cycle this takes and also learnt about the things we should and shouldn't put down the sink or toilet. Class 4 then had a workshop relating to their Science work on the water cycle. We learnt about water shortages and also investigated how much water a family uses and wastes every day. 

Email Mrs Ellison

Questions or comments? Not sure about a homework task? Got a worry?

Email Mrs Ward

Questions or comments? Not sure about a homework task? Got a worry?
