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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!

Welcome back; I hope you all had a super half-term holiday. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to - please look at the information below and keep checking back for more information.

If you have any questions, please get in touch.


This half-term our topic is 'How Great is the Sea?' we will explore the vast seas and oceans that surround our planet, and the wonderful creatures that live in them!



PE will be on every Tuesday with Mrs Keane and Thursday with Mr Robinson. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on PE days and that your school uniform is also fully labelled. 


Each Monday, Class 2 will be able to use the MUGA at playtimes. Children will need to bring a separate pair of trainers to school to change into if they wish to use the MUGA. 


Please ensure you bring your reading diaries with you every day. Our library day is Wednesday so please bring any books to return on that day to allow your child to choose a new book.


Our learning in Spring 1

We have made our bug hotel

After learning about habitats, micro-habitats and where mini beasts like to live we designed our own bug houses. We then used all of these ideas together to make our bug hotel. A big thank you to everyone who helped to collect the resource for these at home. We are looking forward to finding out what minibeasts come to visit our hotel.

Our learning in Autumn 2

Our computing learning has been all about taking photographs. We have looked at how photographs are taken and what we can do to make our photographs the best we can. We have thought about camera direction, lighting and how we make it clear what our photos are of.

Finding out about India

Learning about the location of India, the physical features of the country and  some of the famous landmarks.

Our learning in Autumn 1

Our 'Day at the Castle' experience day in school.

On Wednesday 18th October we dressed up as characters who would have lived and worked in a castle for a fantastic experience. We made castles out of a variety of resources before designing our own castles, thinking about where would be best  to build them and what they should look like. We finished the day with a mini 'medieval feast' - luckily we were able to afford the butter to go on our bread (this was a privilege for the wealthy at that time!)

Bringing together our jumping and travelling in PE

Creating knights in art using collage

Exploring, sorting and investigating materials in Science

Grammar Information
