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Topic, Trips and Theme Days

The first half term of 2015 - 2016 saw the launch of our new topic-themed approach to learning. 


Our first topic themes were:
- Foundation 2: All About Me

- Class 1: The United Kingdom

- Class 2: Seas and Oceans

- Class 3: Forces and Magnets

- Class 4: The Romans

- Class 5: Invaders and Settlers (Vikings and Anglo Saxons)

- Class 6: World War 2


Each class has at least one "trip" and one "theme day" each full term. 

So far Foundation Stage have visited the bakery at Morrisons Supermarket in Newark, Class 2 visited The Deep in Hull and had a Pirate Theme Day, Class 4 had their residential visit to Walesby Forest and enjoyed Roman Theme Day, Class 5 visited The Jorvik Centre in York and Class 6 took part in World War Two Theme Day as well as taking part in a visit to the Holocaust Memorial Centre in Laxton. 


Class 2's Pirate Day was so convincing that they appeared in the Newark Advertiser - click here for the full story.  Class 4's Roman Day coincided with School Photo Day, so their professional picture is below for your enjoyment! 
