What a fast first week of the Summer Term! The teachers were chatting about how long ago the Spring Term seems already - testament to how everyone has "hit the ground running" after Easter.
Our new gates and fencing on Nelson Lane were completed over the break so we are now safe and secure. Many parents have commented how it looks much nicer than they'd expected; I have to say that I like how it still feels "open" due to the width of the meshing.
At the start of the week, I met with all of the teachers individually to talk about their children's progress last term. The overall picture is looking really strong and teachers are talking to me in real depth about the next steps in learning for individuals and groups within their classes.
On Tuesday we interviewed six candidates for the Business Manager position which becomes vacant when Mrs Barrowclough retires at the end of this half term. Mrs Angela Adams will join us next month and brings with her a strong industry background, as well as having worked in a similar role at the National College for Teaching and Leadership. Mrs Crossland and I were relieved to finally be able to tell you of our appointments too - a great relief as it was a secret we had had to "sit on" for a while! Next week we will be interviewing for a Senior Teacher to replace Mrs Power and will let you know the outcomes as soon as we are able.
On Wednesday, Classes 5 and 6 started their preparations for their end of year performance. "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat" (The Lavignasse-Booth version) will be performed on the evening of Wednesday July 1st.
Miss Lavignasse spent Thursday afternoon with other local Year 6 teachers at Tuxford Academy. As well as a lovely lunch, she began the preparation work for the Transition Week where our Year 6's will get a taste of their own future as Year 7s. We are lucky that Tuxford Academy make such an effort to get to know their new students in such detail from a relatively early point in the term.
Lastly, following Mrs Power's departure, I must say "Well done" to Class 4. Mrs Robinson and Mrs Hill have been delighted with you this week; you've really impressed them both with your attitude and effort.