On Monday and Tuesday, Jan Connor and Roary Pownall, Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, made their long-anticipated monitoring visit to school. It was a positive visit and details are expected to published to all parents next week. This will take the form of an official letter which will emailed to you as soon as it is released to us.
Also on Monday, Steven in Class 5 astounded us all with a 4th place ice-skating ranking at national competition level. You can find out more further down the "Latest News" tab.
On Tuesday, the boys football team played an away friendly match against Bleasby Primary near Southwell. Congratulations to Manni and Josh C on their goals, and to the team on securing a 3-0 win.
The netball team has been very active this week. Last weekend, some tough tournament matches were played; there were no wins but we did mange some draws, including a draw against a "vicious" team (the children's words not mine!). On Wednesday, the team attended a training event at Tuxford Academy and enjoyed learning more technical skills. Thursday's tournament at Lilley and Stone saw five matches with a mixture of wins, draws and losses. Well done to the team on their improvements as they get used to having new players.
We enjoyed the eclipse this morning. Children who had prepared safe ways of viewing the phenomenon tried these out on the playground whilst everyone else enjoyed the BBC's live coverage and scientific explanations on the big screen in the hall.
I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
Mr Gray