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Head Teacher's Blog

It's been a relatively quiet week in school with everybody "getting down to business".  The new reading books have gone down well, especially with Class 3.  The children who are attending "top-up" swim sessions continue to make excellent progress and our gifted musicians were told of a forthcoming opportunity to share their skills with other musically able children in local schools. 


Teaching staff analysed and refreshed the ways that children's Maths Targets are set and this should begin to filter through to children and parents in the coming weeks.  I enjoyed leading the first training session with our fantastic Midday Supervisors this week and look forward to the weekly sessions we have booked in for the rest of this half term. 


On Wednesday Mrs Clarke had her "quality assurance" visit from the Nottinghamshire lead advisor for newly qualified teachers.  She passed with flying colours and we are all very proud of her! 


There continue to be quite a few bugs and viruses doing the rounds.  Please ensure that water bottles are being washed and that you check the timescales for returning children to school after illnesses - details can be found here
