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Difficult conversations

Following last week's attacks in Paris, staff have been astonished by the level of knowledge children have brought into school this week.  Conversations - started by pupils - included comments on 'government rules being for everyone' from a child in Class 1, and a commentary on 'ISIS online propaganda' from a child in Class 5. 


With such significant events having taken root in our children's minds, school staff have taken care to ensure that age-appropriate discussions have taken place in class.  Teachers and Assistants have made sure that pupils do not have misunderstandings or misrepresentations of the events or people involved.  They have also made sure that children are confident in feeling safe and secure. 


An article about how schools across the country have talked with children about the attacks can be viewed here.  We are confident that our approach has matched our pupils' needs and has added to their education appropriately.  Do speak to your child's teacher should you require any clarification about conversations held in their class. 
