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Foundation Stage

Welcome to Foundation!

Hello all,

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and got all you wanted from Santa!  We have another busy half-term ahead and our new topic is 'Amazing Animals'; please find more information on the topic web below.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. You can email us using the form below,


Mrs Tansley and Miss Holman





Our PE day is Thursday -  PE may be indoors or outdoors subject to the weather. Please ensure a fully labelled PE kit is in school.


Reading at home - We will be assigning a reading book each week which is aligned to our phonics programme. It is recommended that the book is read 4 to 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Diary.  Repetition of books allows your child to develop their fluency and confidence when encountering graphemes and the 'harder to read and spell words' that they have learnt in school. Additional books and sharing books from our library will also be sent home to supplement these. Please make sure you bring your reading book and diary to school every day. 


Homework  - this will be sent in your child's homework book each Friday and will consist of a Maths and a Phonics activity.  Please return the completed work by the following Wednesday.


Autumn 2, Week 1 - We have had a super week celebrating Bonfire Night and Diwali!

Reading Information

Rainbow Grammar and Writing Development

Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) Parental Information

Early Mathematics in EYFS

Email Mrs Tansley

Got a question or a comment? Not sure about a homework task? Got a worry?

Email Miss Holman
