Welcome back, Class 6! I hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break and enjoyed any New Year celebrations!
Our topic this half term is the Rainforest, with a specific focus on deforestation. Please find further information on our topic web below.
PE will be on Tuesday with Mr Bellfield and Wednesday with me. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on PE days and make sure that your school uniform is also fully labelled. Earrings must be removed or covered.
Class 6 will be able to use the MUGA on Wednesday's.
Reading diaries must be in school every day; on Friday mornings, your child will need to hand their reading diary in to be checked.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Miss Baker
Welcome back, Class 6! I hope you have all had a fantastic half-term.
Our topic this half term is Crime and Punishment. Please find further information on our topic web below.
PE will be on Tuesday with Mr Bellfield and Wednesday with me. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on PE days and make sure that your school uniform is also fully labelled. Earrings must be removed or covered.
Class 6 will be able to use the MUGA on Friday's.
Reading diaries must be in school every day; on Friday mornings, your child will need to hand their reading diary in to be checked.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Miss Baker
Welcome to Class 6! I hope you have all had a lovely summer holiday. I am really looking forward to teaching you this year. We have lots of exciting learning and activities to look forward to.
Our topic this half term is World War 2. Please find further information on our topic web below.
PE will be on Tuesday with Mr Bellfield and Wednesday with me. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on PE days and make sure that your school uniform is also fully labelled. Earrings must be removed or covered.
Class 6 will be able to use the MUGA on Friday's.
Reading diaries must be in school every day; on Friday mornings, your child will need to hand their reading diary in to be checked.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
Miss Baker
RE - 1st October 2024
During this lesson, we will be researching some of the people involved in the Kindertransport. Links to the websites we will use are below.
Questions or comments? Not sure about a homework task? Got a worry?