Home Page

Class 1

Welcome to Class 1!

Autumn 2

We hope you have had a wonderful half term holiday! 

Our topic this half term is 'The United Kingdom'. For more information, please see the topic web below. 


Our PE days this half term will be every Monday with Mrs Ellison and Thursday with Miss Holman. Please ensure you have your fully labelled PE kit in school and that your school uniform is also fully labelled.  


Please also ensure your reading diary is in school every day. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 


Mrs Ellison and Miss Holman smiley 

Autumn 1

We hope you have had a wonderful summer holiday! We are both really excited to teach you this year.

Our topic this half term is 'Superheroes'. For more information please see the topic web below. 


Our PE days this half term will be every Monday with Mrs Ellison and Thursday with Miss Holman. Please ensure you have your fully labelled PE kit in school and that your school uniform is also fully labelled.  


Please also ensure your reading diary is in school every day. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. 


Mrs Ellison and Miss Holman smiley 



SPAG Workshop

Essential Letters and Sounds

Email Mrs Ellison

Questions or comments? Not sure about a homework task? Got a worry?

Email Miss Holman

Questions or comments? Not sure about a homework task? Got a worry?
