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Tuxford Family Collaboration

Muskham Primary School is part of the Tuxford Family Collaboration.  The Family was born in January 2009 after a year of discussions, planning and ‘team’ thinking of how we could shape better schools for the future.  The Tuxford Family of Schools has always been very active in working together at the leading edge of practice to ensure that young people who feed into Tuxford Academy are offered the best education from the start of Primary School through to the end of their secondary phase.


The vision for the Tuxford Family Collaboration is simple.  It is a vision centred on excellence and individual success.  Every young person, teacher, member of support staff and Head Teacher will be offered the opportunity to move towards a badge of excellence through the sharing of ideas, knowledge and skills.  This will ensure every young person within our extended schools family will gain the success they so richly deserve. 


Details of the family of schools can be found here

