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Year 4 & 5 - PM



I hope you have all had a fabulous Christmas holiday.  Happy New Year!

Our topic this half-term is about Newark and the English Civil War. Please find further information on our topic web below.


Both Year 4 and 5 children will do PE on a Tuesday with Mr Robinson.  This term, each Friday afternoon, Year 5 children will do PE with me, whilst the Year 4  children go swimming. Please ensure that you have your labelled PE kit in school on PE days and make sure that your school uniform is also fully labelledEarrings must be removed or covered. 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Mrs Palmer smiley

Today, Year 4/5 enjoyed their trip to the National Civil War Museum. They learnt about what caused the English Civil War, acting out key events. Then, they were guided around the historic sites of Newark, thinking about why Newark was known as the 'key to the North'. Throughout the day, they had opportunities to handle artefacts, try on costumes and find out about what life would have been like for the people of Newark during that time

As part of our topic on North and South America, Year 4 / 5 spent the day learning about Mexico. They enjoyed taking part in quizzes, researching and presenting information to the class and cooking a Mexican dish (enchiladas).
